Cash gifts certainly help St. Paul’s meet funding needs, but there are other opportunities to increase your giving and impact the spiritual lives of our students and parishioners through Planned Giving. These gift vehicles can have tax advantages for donors.
Appreciated Stock
A gift of stock held more than one year is a tax-wise way to help our ministry. With a stock gift you pay no capital gains tax on the stock’s appreciated value. If you itemize your tax return, the gift qualifies for a deduction equal to the stock’s current value, even though no tax has been paid on the appreciation.
Qualified Charitable Distribution from Your Retirement Account
If aged 70 ½ or older, a gift of your Required Minimum Distribution (RMD) from your retirement account through a Qualified Charitable Distribution (QCD) is an option.
A QCD allows you to direct your RMD tax free to St. Paul’s. Whether you itemize or not, this direct transfer of your RMD is still tax free. Your retirement plan custodian directly sends all or a portion of your RMD to St. Paul’s. You can’t transfer the RMD to you, and then forward it to the parish; it must be sent directly to us from the plan custodian.
A QCD is not counted towards a donor’s gross taxable income. For some, it could lower their Social Security benefits tax, and/or Medicare premium rate (discuss this with your tax advisor).
A Gift in Your Will
A will is a roadmap for distributing your assets in a thoughtful and charitable way. You can:
- Make a gift of a specific asset or amount of money (cash, stock, property, etc.),
- Leave a percentage of your estate,
- Provide a residual gift from your estate.
Planned Giving helps support the mission and vision of St. Paul’s. To discuss these in detail, contact Tom Recker, Director of Mission Advancement at 812/668-2249, or