register with us so we can stay in touch with you throughout the year to keep you up-to-date on what is going on at St. Paul's and on campus.
We look forward to meeting you at Mass and on campus in the coming weeks.
We hope you will join us for Mass on August 22 and for one (or all) of our Rush Roman Week events.
Rush Roman Week is the best and busiest week of the year at St. Paul's. We do it all to welcome our new and returning Hoosier Catholics. St. Paul's is your home and we want you to know you are always welcome to spend time here and to get involved with any of our ministries.
Rush Roman Week Events
Sunday, August 22: Welcome Cookout after the 5:30 pm Mass.
Tuesday, August 24: Taco Truck Tuesday -- Free tacos at St. Paul's from 6-8 pm
Wednesday, August 25: IMU Bowling -- Free bowling at the IMU from 8-10 pm
Thursday, August 26: Magnify! -- Eucharistic Adoration, prayer teams, music, and Confessions from 7-9 pm
Friday, August 27: Friday Night at the Movies -- Join us for a movie and popcorn at St. Paul's at 7 pm.
Saturday, August 28: Freshmen Connection -- Meet your fellow new Hoosier Catholics with a day of high and low ropes at the nearby CYO camp. Meet at St. Paul's at 9 am. Register HERE.