Beginning in the Fall of 2022, all religious education of children and sacramental preparation for Holy Communion and Confirmation will be offered at St. Charles Borromeo.
Please contact Rose Johnson, Coordinator of Religious Education, for information on religious education for children at St. Charles.
St. Paul offers fellowship and formation for families who would like to have their child baptized.
To register for Baptism, please contact the Parish Office at 812-339-5561 to schedule a Baptism and/or register for a baptismal preparation class.
Whether you are interested simply in learning more about the Catholic Faith or becoming a full member of the Catholic Church, the Becoming Catholic program is for you.
Our Becoming Catholic program is a process to help people experience the fullness of the Faith. Our desire is for people to confidently enter full communion of Faith and to feel the warm embrace of the Church family.
Please contact Deacon Ron to learn more and/or to start your journey home to the Catholic Church.
God Seeking Man
Who is God?
Revelation: The Church
Revelation: Scripture
Who is Jesus?
The Holy Spirit
The Blessed Virgin Mary
The Saints
The Four Last Things
The Story of Salvation: the Fall, Sin and Redemption
The Sacraments
The Eucharist
The Mass
Anointing of the Sick
Moral Theology
The Theology of the Body
Catholic Social Teaching is a website where you can find countless media resources to help you grow in your faith and simply enjoy Catholic entertainment, from movies about the lives of the saints to documentaries about the Sacraments to audiobooks and fiction recommendations. When you click "Sign Up," simply input our parish name, St. Paul Catholic Center, to be granted access to our parish subscription.
Women's Bible study meets Thursday mornings 10:00-11:30am. Theyare currently meeting both in person and by Zoom. If you are interested in joining Women's Bible study or participating in person, please contact Karen Whiteside at; for Zoom access, contact Katy O'Bryan at for Zoom access.
The Lay Fraternities of St. Dominic are Catholic men and women, both single and married, who commit themselves to living their lives in a manner inspired by St. Dominic and the Dominican saints, in the midst of a secular world. They devote their lives to the four Dominican “pillars” of prayer, study, community, and apostolate. Collectively, this involves living and preaching the Gospel throughout their daily lives.
Through a process of formation, the Dominican Laity adopt a Rule of Life, promising to live holy lives in communion with Catholic Church, in accordance with the Dominican charism.
The chapter has met regularly since 2017. The Bloomington chapter invites others in our faith community to consider joining with them in following the life of St. Dominic and the Dominican saints. Please contact MarySue Schwab for more information.
Coordinator: Leonie Stewart
Volunteer couples sponsor engaged couples who are working through FOCCUS inventory, a pre-marriage tool that facilitates open communication. Several categories in the inventory are targeted to stimulate discussion on subjects such as families of origin, religion, careers, and finances, among others. The program reflects the mission of St. Paul Catholic Center to enrich the sacrament of marriage and to foster loving relationships. Training is provided.