Our Evangelization and Formation Ministries provide our students an opportunity to build a personal a personal relationship with Jesus Christ and an intellectual understanding of His Church.
Small groups gather weekly to encounter God through His Word, for fellowship, for prayer, and to support each other's growth in faith. Small groups are a great way to grow in love of God and neighbor, to make new friends, and to connect as part of a Christian community.
St. Paul Catholic Center is blessed to partner with the Fellowship of Catholic University Students (FOCUS) to bring faith formation to Hoosier Catholics. We have five FOCUS missionaries who work alongside student leaders to bring Bible studies, one-on-one discipleship, and social events to students.
FOCUS Missionaries:
Daniel Sahyouni (Team Director)
Lizz White
Lauren Meade
Sophie Zell
Connor Gorton
Catholicism 101 is our ministry for non-Catholics who are interested in learning more about the Catholic faith and those interested in becoming Catholic. It is also an opportunity for Catholics to learn more about their faith.
A combination of lecture-style classes and small group discussions makes Catholicism 101 a wonderful opprutnity for anyone to learn more about Jesus Christ and the Catholic Church.
Catholicism 101 is a process to help people experience the fullness of the Faith. Our desire is for people to confidently enter full communion of Faith and to feel the warm embrace of the Church family.
Please contact Fr. Reginald to learn more and/or to start your journey home to the Catholic Church.
God Seeking Man
Who is God?
Revelation: The Church
Revelation: Scripture
Who is Jesus?
The Holy Spirit
The Blessed Virgin Mary
The Saints
The Four Last Things
The Story of Salvation: the Fall, Sin and Redemption
The Sacraments
The Eucharist
The Mass
Anointing of the Sick
Moral Theology
The Theology of the Body
Catholic Social Teaching
Dr. Nina Castronova, a Licensed Psychologist and Director of Pastoral Counseling, provides Catholic faith-integrated counseling services at St. Paul Catholic Center.
She feels it is a privilege to work with people amidst a variety of life stresses and struggles including anxiety, depression, and grief. She has clinical experience in outpatient adult psychiatry, couple and family counseling, and Hospice bereavement services.
Please do not hesitate to contact her via email or call her at 812.558.9050.
Formed.org is a website where you can find countless media resources to help you grow in your faith and simply enjoy Catholic entertainment, from movies about the lives of the saints to documentaries about the Sacraments to audiobooks and fiction recommendations.
St. Paul's has purchased a subscription for all resident and student parishioners.
When you click "Sign Up," simply input our parish name, St. Paul Catholic Center, to be granted access to our parish subscription.
If you think God might be calling you to the priesthood or religious life, we recommend reaching out to Father Reginald (or one of the other priests, if you are more comfortable with him) who can assist you in this journey. Please email him to set up an appointment.
More than a dozen Hoosier Catholics have entered formation for the priesthood and religious life in the last few years. We are here to help those who are feeling called grow closer to God to better hear His voice.
"Vocations to the priesthood and the consecrated life are born out of the experience of a personal encounter with Christ, out of sincere and confident dialogue with him, so as to enter into his will. It is necessary, therefore, to grow in the experience of faith, understood as a profound relationship with Jesus, as inner attentiveness to his voice which is heard deep within us." ~Pope Benedict XVI